Assignment #23: "Can an object be wrapped art?"

Though this assignment, I learned that I can use some of the resources in my backyard in order to create a beautiful end result. One thing that I discovered about Christo and Jeanne-Claude is that they take pictures of big wrapped items to small wrapped items. Even though their big "landscapes" are beautiful, their smaller items are just as magnificent. The main difficulty was wrapping the flower pot. In the crease, it was hard to get it just right, thankfully I managed to do it. I learned that Christo and Jeanne-Claude are very talented artists, and doing what they do is very hard. 


  1. Thank you. I wonder - did you think about wrapping more than the pot? My reason for asking is that this is often something we'd see in a flower shop as opposed to a work of art...I appreciate your concept and wonder about what you think of this "object as art" idea.


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