Assignment #6: "How do you see Polar Opposites?"

     Alive vs Dead

My original thought was to do young vs old. When I thought of young vs old i pictured an old man sideways looking to his left, and a young girl looking to her right. The two photographs next to each other would be looking at each other. However, this theme seemed almost impossible because then I would have to find an old person and a young person and have them not move and for them to cooperate. So I started to brainstorm new ideas. My overall theme is dead vs alive. The first picture was taken on a trail near my house. When I went on a photoshoot with my friends, Esmee and Zoe this weekend (let me know if you would like to see those pictures), I saw this beautiful tree that appeared to be dead. After I had my friends stand next to it, I took a singular picture with only the tree. The second picture was taken in my backyard. It is a beautiful redwood tree. I went around 5:14 to take this picture, the sunlight was perfect, the way that it shined on the tree. After I came home from that photoshoot, I was reviewing all of my pictures and decieted to use this one for the theme of this assignment. Even though I did alter these photos in Lightroom, the originals were just as pretty. In Lightroom, I made sure to make the dead tree appear to be all gloomy and sad looking, I did the opposite to the alive tree; I made that tree more vibrant and young looking. This created an effect of polar opposites. They are related to each other in placement because where the first one’s background begins, you can start to see the leaves of the other tree. Creating an effect where the leaves rise together.


  1. Thank you - nice transition and I love what you wrote. Did you put these on a board in Photoshop so they were "one" image?


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